Friday, May 29, 2009

Could it possibly be 7 months?

Yes! Yes it could!! Happy 7 month birthday Charlie! He's getting to be such a big boy! Check him out over Memorial Day weekend when he hung out with his cousin Maggie;
He was so excited to be able to sit in the wagon like a big boy! And he would hold onto the sides and sit there all good just looking around. And Maggie was being such a helpful cousin! Whenever Charlie would start to drool like crazy she would reach over and dab his face with his bib! So cute!! Memorial Day weekend was a very busy weekend and so much fun! We started it out with a BBQ and swimming with relatives from Bill's side of the family. Charlie also got to hang out with his cousin Hugo (2nd cousin? Distant cousin? Once removed? Anyway it's Bill's cousin Anna's baby). Let's just say Charlie enjoyed the swimming, but not nearly as much as Hugo did! That little polliwog! HAHAHAHAHA

Charlie was happier sitting on the step and splashing;So we got out and warmed up and hung out on the grass, what a couple of adorable mugs!The next day we headed to the highland games! Charlie got in touch with his Scottish roots;
Then on Monday it was off to the LA Zoo! Where Charlie and Maggie got to cruise around in the little red wagon. So stylish! You think Charlie enjoyed himself?He's such a big boy! As for milestone news Charlie now has two little teeth! And I think more are coming because the fussyness has returned! Poor little guy. But he has been sleeping a lot better lately! We were having so much trouble getting him to sleep during the night, he would sleep good from about 2am and wake up at noon for the longest time and it was driving me crazy!! And we tried EVERYTHING! Putting him to a night time schedule, not letting him nap later in the day, letting him cry for a little bit before going to get him...NOTHING would work! But now we get him up earlier in the morning and so far so good! It's just now we have to get used to getting up early again! Ack! I don't know how some parents say they go by "schedules" to keep them on track. With Charlie it's a new adventure everyday! We can barely plan let alone set a schedule! He's just his own baby and no one's going to tell him what to do :) Usually he tells us what to do with all of his babbles! It's so cute!! Melts our hearts :) He'll be on the move any time now, he has all of the crawling motions down he just needs to learn how to do it at the same time so he can stop being a beached whale whenever he gets on his tummy. He's also been practicing with his finger foods and sippy cup too. He's getting there, he just needs more practice because most of it is getting everywhere but in his mouth.

So until next month!!

~Karen, Bill, and Charlie

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Baby Train 072

Accepting the truth is one thing to know all the details is another.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baby Train 070

Actually it was saving and a bit of dumb luck. In our house problems like this will usually be solved by one of us having the problem which we will talk about,receive advice from the other, hug and be on our merry way.A few hours later, it will be the other persons turn to have the same problem and the cycle will continue where we each offer each others' own advice. :crazy:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Baby Train 069

What do we give up indeed. Hmmm.....for anyone that ever finds themselves in this situation, don't panic. Just know where your towel is.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baby Train 068

Well its 3 am now so yes we should've relaxed and got as much sleep then when we could. *sigh* Wow its Strip 68 already? 12 more to go!! :D

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby Train 067

Putting baby things together is harder than you think. Especially when its hand me down items and the instructions have been lost. Like reverse engineering a flying saucer.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!

So this last Sunday was our very first Mother's Day! And I must say it was AWESOME. We hung out, had brunch, poked around downtown Burbank, and had a very relaxing day. I LOVED it! And Charlie got me a Nintendo DSI! What a smart baby ;) He also got me a card, which he thought was delicious;
and here we are at brunch;

Charlie thought the table was delicious as well;
In other Charlie news he has officially cut his first tooth! There's no pictures because you can barely see it but it's there! The poor little guy has been having a lot of trouble with teething..hopefully things will get better now. He's also got his own crib all set up and so far he seems to like it! Now let's see if Bill and I can handle not having him sleeping in our room anymore :( HAHAHAHHA

Until next time!

~Karen, Bill & Charlie

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby Train 066

You'd think you'd get a manual or something.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baby Train 065

Who has time to decorate a Room when your pregnant? Who I tells yah who??