Wednesday, April 29, 2009

6 months!!!

Happy half birthday Charlie!! It's blowing my mind that my little guy is 6 months old!!

What is Charlie up to these days? Well I'm glad you asked! He's now sitting up all by himself, he's still a little wobbly but he loves to sit on the ground and play with his toys. He's all about toys that make noise when he shakes them even though sometimes he gets a bit ahead of himself and throws his toys all over the place! He's still teething like crazy, no teeth yet though but I'm sure any day now (I hope!!). Everything goes into Charlies' mouth, and I mean everything! That's the first thing he does whenever he gets anything into his adorable little hands. He's also starting to love blankies and playing peekaboo, it makes him laugh like crazy! Charlie used to look into the mirror and smile and laugh like crazy, but I think he's catching on that it's not another baby but actually him because he reaches out and tries to touch the baby but ends up touching the mirror. He's onto us :)

Let's see what else...oh yes he's still growing like a weed! It seems like overnight he couldn't fit into any of his clothes anymore! So I'm just putting him into 12 month onesies and PJ's because I was tired of getting him half into something and finding out it's too short for him! He still fits into 6 month pants though thank goodness :) Overall he's still a great baby and such a cuddly little guy! It melts my heart everytime I pick him up and he gives me a "baby hug" and snuggles up :) Who knows any day now he might be on the move! He is doing better at tummy time (he used to hate it) and has managed to roll over a few times, but usually he just pushes his little baby butt in the air and kick around. But we know he wants to be on the move because when he's sitting on our laps he tries to scoot away.

As for us we're all moved into our new place and we LOVE it!! Just a few more things to unpack and we're good!!

Pictures coming soon!

~Karen, Bill & Charlie

1 comment:

Greg said...

6 months!?!?! WOW! Time sure does fly. Can't wait to see the pictures. Hope to see you soon!