Tuesday, September 28, 2010

32 Weeks! Woot woot!!

The baby train is coming down the tracks! Woot woooooot!!

Anyways, I had a Dr. appointment today and everything is great! My blood pressure is fantastic, and things are coming right along. After my regular appointment though I headed over to the hospital for a neonatal non stress test. Which basically means I got to hang out for 20 minutes while they recorded Chloe's heart beat to see how she's doing. And she did perfectly! I guess they wanted to see her heart rate spike 3 times within that 20 minutes which means she's moving around. At one point she was just hanging out and got quiet (they think she fell asleep! Cute!) so the nurse started yelling and clapping to "wake her up" I thought she was just being funny, but it worked! Chloe started moving and a shaking shortly after that! Who would of thought that even before she's born Chloe takes naps :) They also did a short ultrasound and found that her feet are in my ribs and her head is down by my bladder. Yeah that sounds about right by how I've been feeling lately. Those jabs in the ribs and head butts to my bladder make for some restless nights :P But overall things look great! I actually do one of these once a week for the next few weeks to keep tabs on everything.

As for me I'm feeling pretty gosh darn uncomfortable all around :P You know, the usual, tired, aches & pains, constantly hungry. I swear some days it feels like food just evaporates once it hits my stomach :) And the recent heat wave has not helped much. I've had some swelling in my ankles but nothing that bad. It's supposed to cool down tomorrow and I can't wait!!

In Charlie news he's getting bigger and cuter everyday! And recently he has made it quite clear how much he hates his diapers. So we've gotten him his very own pottys and we've started potty training! It's slow going, but so far he sits on the potty, but we just haven't gotten him to "go" in the potty yet. But we'll be patient and hopefully soon it'll all make sense to him. He's also graduated out of his cradle and into a toddler bed! He loves being able to hop in and out of his own bed! He even loves to just grab a book and hop up on his bed and hang out a while. He's only fallen out of his bed once where we found his sleeping on the floor, so he's taken right to the big boy bed! It's just been hard to get him to nap now because he can hop out of bed and play instead of sleep. He also points out every time a plane goes overhead, and I mean EVERY time a plane goes overhead HAHAHAHA His favorite things to do are color (he recently learned how to draw zig-zag lines and can't get enough!) and count things (even though he only counts to one which sounds more like an "oh") and kick the ball around outside.

We're also all super excited for the upcoming Family Reunion and Baby Shower in Reno!! I can't wait!! It'll be so nice to get away from it all and have some fun :) Thanks Aunt Cathy and Uncle Paul for being SO generous and putting this on for us!!!! You guys are amazing!!!

Until next time!!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

A little excitement

Hey all!

A little update to fill you in on the excitement we had yesterday. Well I'd been feeling pretty cruddy (mainly a headache) for the past 3 days or so and yesterday we were all packed up and ready to spend a day at the Snoopy Museum for their 60 year anniversary celebration! But on our way I kept feeling worse and worse, until suddenly, I started throwing up. Which really put a damper in our day :P So we started to head back home and it happened again! Sheesh! So once we got home and I was thrown into bed Bill called the Dr. and they told us to come right in to get checked out. So after some last minute help from our awesome friend Johnny who came to watch Charlie for us we went in to the hospital which is also where the Dr. Office is and the maternity ward and all that. It's conveniently in one place (so handy!) They got me right in and it was pretty clear that it wasn't Preeclampsia (which is bad) which they thought it might be. My blood pressure is great, and the baby's heart beat is fantastic (the nurse saw the printout and said "now THAT'S a happy baby!") but after the urine test it became obvious that I was very dehydrated. So to make things go faster they hooked me up to an IV with some sugar water type stuff and I got to catch up on my magazine reading. Then after a while I was feeling MUCH better and I got to come home (hooray!) So I'm fine and the nurses told me that this happens a lot, especially to women that have young kiddos at home, and with all that's been going on with me lately it's no surprise at all. So things are good, baby is just fine, and I'm fine, just tired. But thank goodness I have an awesome hubby that took very good care of me all weekend :)


Sunday, September 5, 2010

29 Weeks! Are we there yet?

So things have been quite busy for the Drastal Family over the last few weeks. In a nutshell we have;
1. Become Google employees
2. Changed work offices
3. Moved

So busy is really an understatement for all that we've done in such a short time! But here's the long story for you;

First we heard the FABULOUS news that the company we work for got bought by Google! So we are now Google employees! Which is AWESOME! We get a ton of new perks including free breakfast and lunch (and the food amazing!) We also moved our offices into the San Francisco Google office which isn't that far away from where we were working. I really like our new office and me and Bill get to share a cubicle (they call them "pods") which comes complete with a huge bean bag! I still do the same schedule as I used to where I go into the office on Tuesdays but other than that I stay home with Charlie and work in the evening once Bill gets home. It works out really well for everyone. Although for a few days Charlie did have to go into daycare (which was free through Google, SCORE!) when we were doing Google orientations and Charlie LOVED it there! The first day when we came to pick him up he was sad to leave, and the second day he had a little buddy that was all excited that Charlie was there :) We thought about the idea of part time daycare for Charlie but it is quite expensive :P We only get a few free "drop in" days for daycare for free so it's not a regular thing. That's ok though because our usual schedule still works really well.

So during all this we got a weird notice posted to our front door saying that the house we were renting was in foreclosure and the bank was going to auction it off on Sept. 2. Well long story short we decided that that was motivation enough to get the heck out of dodge! We had options to see what the new owners, or the bank would do and wait until we got an eviction notice...or just move. So we moved. And the weekend we found out we went house hunting and found this great new place that we're now living in! It's not that far from our old place and it's in Daly City and it's literally down the street from the city of Brisbane, and San Francisco. So we didn't really move far at all. And there's FAR less fog! We can see the fog come rolling in and it goes right past us while we have blue skies! Yay!! It's also cheaper in rent than our old place, AND it has a yard! Charlie LOVES the yard he wants to go out there alllllll the time! We also have a small balcony upstairs that Charlie loves to hang out on. We really love it. And thanks to our awesome work friends, a Uhaul, and a couple of moving helpers we hired it was the easiest move we've ever done! Now we just have to unpack....ugh.

Then during everything I also had a Dr. appointment. And everything is wonderful! The Dr. says I'm as healthy as a horse and everything is normal! Chloe is kicking up a storm now-a-days and I'm now entering that crazy uncomfortable time again :P but the heartburn isn't nearly as bad as when I had Charlie, but she really loves to sit on my bladder which isn't so fun. And I think she's either got her feet or her arms by my ribs because she really kicks me far up there in my rib cage which is a crazy feeling. And I'm always tired. I feel like I can't sleep enough! But there's only 75 days to go!! Hooray!!! And right around the corner is the baby shower/family reunion is Reno!!! Can't wait!!!

Until next time!
