Monday, June 29, 2009

8 months! Woohoo!!

So Charlie's 8 month birthday is upon us ALREADY!!! What is that all about?!?!? But with the new month comes a new level of cuteness!!! See for youself;
We also celebrated Bill's first Father's day! Charlie got him a card, which he ate...of course...
And here's Charlies little chompers! He's had them for a while but I finally got a picture!
He's getting more and more character every day! He also LOVES to be on the move! While he still isn't crawling he's scooting, rolling, and rocking like a madman! He's also getting much better at feeding himself, and sometimes even prefers doing it himself than having us feed him!
He is all about doing things his own way and hates whenever anyone tries to tell him otherwise! He's definitely our baby alright. We go for walks every morning and he loves getting out and seeing the world! He's a huge flirt and smiles at anyone that'll look at him! He's melting hearts left and right! We've also found that he loves balloons! It's so cute because while he puts everything in his mouth he will hold onto a balloon and bop it around rather than try to eat it. I think he likes how it bounces. I'll have to get a picture sometime. It's adorable!

So our big boy is getting bigger everyday! His newest babbling includes the ever famous "Na Na Na Na." He loves to be a part of the conversation as long as the conversation is all about Na Na Na. Currently everything is a Na Na. I'm a Na Na, you're a Na Na, wouldn't you like to be a Na Na too?

Anyway, that's all for now! This weekend we plan to visit scorching hot Vegas for the 4th to visit Tami, Chris and Maggie. Happy 4th of July everybody!!


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