She's here!! Chloe has arrived! She came on November 22nd, at 11:46am and was 8 pounds, 20 inches long and just perfect! Everyone is home now and happy and healthy and doing great.
It all started last Sunday night when I was trying to go to bed I started feeling all crampy. But I'd been feeling cramps for a few weeks before and the Dr. said it was no big deal so I just figured it was nothing and tried to go to sleep. But those stupid cramps wouldn't let me go to sleep. So at 1am I called the nurses line for my doctor and asked if I should be worried. They wanted to make sure it wasn't false labor and suggested that I take a hot shower, relax, and see if they get worse or go away and if the pain got worse then to come in. By this time everyone was sound asleep and I was wide awake. I tried the hot shower which felt very nice but didn't relieve the pain. I then lied down and watched TV a while, I tried to hold out until the morning so that Charlie could go to PreSchool while we went to the hospital but at 4am I couldn't take it anymore and I woke Bill up and told him I think it's time to go in. So we woke up poor Charlie and threw him in the car and drove to the hospital at 5am. Bill dropped me off and then headed home to get Charlie to school and then he'd come right back to the hospital. So I got all checked in and am trying to keep it together through all the pain and they find out that I'm dilated to about 3 or 4 and that I should stay. They then ask if I want any pain medication and I say "YES PLEASE!" It was then that the nurse said that she thinks I'll have a baby by noon that day. So I got all medicated up and was starting to feel MUCH better and then Bill calls and the nurse answers my phone for me and tells Bill that if he wants to be there for the birth then he better get to the hospital sooner rather than later! So Bill books it down to the hospital and gets there by about 8:30am. I then find out that he was taking his time to get to the hospital! He even let Charlie go back to bed when he got back home! He thought he had plenty of time before the baby would come because he was used to when Charlie was born and we had hours and hours to kill before anything started really happening. But this time things seemed to be going in fast forward!! So after many apologies everything was good. Bill was there, Charlie was happy in PreSchool and I was heavily medicated :)
Then at around 11ish or so I started feeling a bit funny. But not "haha" funny. So we get the nurse and she checks me out and come to find out it's show time!! Then it's chaos as the doctor comes in and they get all the bells and whistles and machines ready and before we know it Chloe is born at 11:46am!! And she immediately starts crying the most adorable little squeaky cry and Bill got to cut the cord :) And thus starts our adventures with an adorable little Chloe girl!
And she's such a good baby! Sweet and a good sleeper and a lover of pacifiers! Even when she cries it's a cute little cry that just melts our hearts. We just had her 1 week checkup and the Doctor said she's looking fantastic! She's regained her birth weight and is very strong. She's also a little snorter it's so cute! When she gets all riled up she starts snorting like crazy and it cracks us up :) She's also a fantastic little sleeper. She even gave me a break one night and slept from 12 - 4! Such a good
As for me I'm doing great! The labor went so smoothly and afterward I wasn't in nearly as much pain as I thought I was going to have! I'm still a bit achey and my feet are still a bit swollen but I'm slowly getting back to normal. I've got a ton of great help thanks to Grandma, and Grammie, and Great Aunt Carol all coming to help us out :)
And Charlie is being a great big brother! At first he was a bit shy when he saw Chloe but slowly he's warming up to her. He's even patted her head and touched her hands and he loves playing with her toys. He's even had a couple times when he gets concerned when she cries and comes to see what's wrong. Such a good big brother! :)
So we couldn't be happier with such great kiddos and such a great family coming to lend a hand! Thanks to everyone for your help and the well wishes!!

Lots of love,
Karen, Bill, Charlie and now Chloe! :)
1 comment:
Yay! Congrats to the entire Drastal clan! She's BEAUTIFUL.
Good job, mama Karen! You rock!
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