Monday, January 24, 2011

2 Months for Chloe!

It's amazing to think that our little Chloe is already 2 months old! And in 2 short months she has already completely stolen our hearts! Just one little smile or "coo" and we're putty!

She's smiling like a pro now and such a cutie! She's so alert and loves to look out the windows or even bat around her little toys that hang over her on the crib or her floor mat. She also sleeps like a pro too!!

Believe it or not Chloe is already practically sleeping through the night! It's not always consistent but some nights she'll sleep from about 10pm - 12am through to 6am-8 am!! It's been soooo nice to get some sleep, but I wasn't expecting her to sleep so well so soon! I was used to the night owl that Charlie was at this age. He used to looove to stay up until the wee hours like 2 - 3 am and sleep in until noon with a couple of times of waking up in-between. Maybe Chloe won't be as much of a night owl. Also Chloe still loves to be cuddled!

If we try to put her down and she wants to be held she lets us know until we pick her up again and then she dozes right off. It makes it hard to get things done but it's so cute to have a snoozing Chloe on our shoulder that we couldn't possibly be mad about it :) She did great at her 2 month appointment, she's now 12 pounds! She's growing great and the doctor said she gets an "A" We did have a tough time this past month because Chloe caught RSV (a virus that causes crud in the lungs) so we had to give Chloe some medicine through a nebulizer machine that takes the medicine and vaporizes it so she breathed it in. It was actually pretty nice because the hummm of the machine would put Chloe right to sleep every time! But Chloe is all better now like a champ! We only had 1 or two nights of extra fussiness and that's all! She's such a sweet baby and a strong girl! :)

Now for news on the rest of the family. Other than feeling like we're constantly battling the sniffles (ugh!) things have been great! We had a great time on New Year's by heading to the Snoopy Museum! They were having a special New Year's count down for kids at noon complete with a balloon drop, Root beer toast, and Snoopy dressed in his finest!! We had a blast!! Sorry some of the pictures are fuzzy, the camera had a smudge on it and I didn't realize it :P

Charlie has been constantly surprising us and making us so proud! He's getting so good at identifying colors and all the letters of the alphabet! He also loves to sing songs (more like hum, or his form of singing) It kind of sounds like he's singing either the ABC song or Old Mac Donald, or Twinkle Twinkle (or all three! Who knows? ) but we're not sure at the moment. He just loves to play and march around the house humming and singing. He's doing fantastic at Pre-School they absolutely love him there! He's even making friends and learning SO much! He even gets excited whenever we drop him off. He doesn't get mad at all anymore he just runs straight in and starts playing! He's gotten so good at following directions and doing things for himself like putting his toys away and throwing away his own trash! Love it!

We also went in this past month for a speech evaluation for Charlie because he does talk sometimes, but he's a bit behind where he could be at his age. So his pediatrician said it wouldn't hurt to get him evaluated and it's free since Charlie isn't 3 years old yet. So the lady asked him questions and watched him play and after a little bit of time for him to warm up (Charlie is always shy around new people) he aced all her questions like a pro! We were so proud! There were even some questions that I thought "I don't think Charlie knows that yet" but answered right! Questions like "Where's the sleeping baby?" on a sheet of different kids doing different activities or "Where's the flying plane?" and he pointed them all out! We were both blown away by how much he really knows! So all in all it boiled down to that he wasn't diagnosed with anything because he did so well. Basically he's just a late talker which they determined has everything to do with Charlie's personality and nothing to do with how we've been parenting or how we've been talking to him or anything like that. He's just quiet. But we still signed up for speech therapy to help Charlie along to open up.

We've also started on the long fun road of potty training for Charlie. This last weekend we bit the bullet and put him in big boy underwear to see how he'd do. Well after a long and accident filled weekend he's started to get it! He'll now tell us before (or while) he goes! We don't always make it to the bathroom but he's getting there! So hopefully with more practice he'll be a full blown big boy! I know he can do it!

So looking back this has been one crazy month! And I know next month will be even crazier because sadly Bill's leave is ending soon :( Boo. And not long after I'm going back to work too! We found an amazing day care for Chloe that's even in the same building that we work in! We just need to figure out schedules and all that. But I'll save that for next month :)

Until then!!


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