Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ultrasound today!

But no pictures :( Sorry...well from what we saw on the screen we could barely tell what anything was except for the top of Charlie's head and the bottom of his feet. We did get that his estimated weight is 6 pounds right now and the doctor thinks that he's going to be about 7 pounds, 8 tops when he's born. He's looking great and kicking like crazy!

We are still trying to get everything put away from the Baby Bash, our living room looks like a Babies R Us exploded in there :) Slowly but surely though everything is finding a place.

So now the appointments are every week so another update coming very soon!

~Karen and Bill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've had to scroll back and catch up a bit. I wanna see pictures, girlie!